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    • iNADO Update

iNADO Update #2024-05/06

26 Jun 2024

iNADO Update (2024) 05/06 (26 June)
Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


Speaking Up for NADOs & RADO Globally

  • Athlete Representation Survey

Building a Supportive Community

  • Basecamp- iNADO member collaboration and communication platform 
  • iNADO Collection Campaign: NADOs Visual/Video Materials

Improving Practice Everywhere

  • Save the Date- iNADO 2025 Workshop
  • Outcome AFLD Webinar

    Guiding Principles

    • NADO Summit on the Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping

    Monthly Features

    • iNADO Job Vacancy- Chief Executive Office (M/F/X
    • Members of the Governing Board visiting iNADO Office in Bonn

    iNADO Sponsors & Partners

    iNADO Update #2024-03/04

    23 Apr 2024

    iNADO Update (2024) 03/04 (23 April)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Building a Supportive Community

    • Paris 2024 Paralympic Games- Anti-Doping Programme to NADOs
    • iNADO Collection Campaign: NADOs Visual/Video Materials
    • The International Conference on Doping and Public Health, June 17-18th in Stockholm

    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • Scheduled webinar
    • Webinar WADA Groups Summary and Recording 
    • 2024 Workshop summary, feedback and PPT links
    • Informed Sport - Supporting the Anti-doping Community 

    Speaking Up for NADOs & RADO Globally

    • Recent Media Reports about Chinese Swimmers
    • Newly Elected iNADO Governing Board - Message from Anders Solheim (iNADO Chair)
    • AFLD Visit to iNADO's Office

    Guiding Principles

    • Guiding Principles Online Form

    Monthly Features

    • Prepared for What is to Come - by departing CEO Jorge Leyva 

    iNADO Sponsors & Partners

    iNADO Update #2024-01/02

    5 Feb 2024

    iNADO Update (2024) 01/02 (5 February)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Building a Supportive Community

    • Overview of Member Needs
    • Recent Basecamp discussions

    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • Annual General Assembly (AGA) Registration Invitation (Only iNADO Members) 
    • 2024 iNADO Annual Workshop Registration Invitation
    • Summary Bird & Bird  webinar 
    • Annual banned substance Review 2022/2023 by the Cologne Laboratory

    Speaking Up For NADOs & RADO Globally

    • New Head of AMADA and EGY-NADO
    • iNADO Board Elections for the Term 2024 - 2027
    • Resignation of iNADO CEO 
    • Overview of NADO staff members in WADA working groups and committees
    • EPO report & false negatives
      Guiding Principles
    • New Signatories and Invitation to sign the Guiding Principles 

    iNADO Sponsors & Partners

    iNADO Update #2023-11/12

    6 Dec 2023

    iNADO Update (2023) 11/12 (6 December)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Building a Sportive Community

    • Welcome Indonesia
    • Invitation to Participate in Code Review Feedback and Discussions
    • 2024 iNADO Annual General Assembly and Workshop
    • ADAMS Group

    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • iNADO Webinar: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of ADO EPO Programmes Lessons learned and Q&A
    • Summary and Recording: AFLD Handling of sunbstances of abuse in results management Recording and summary
    • e-Library new material

    Speaking up for NADOs and RADOs Globally

    • Remarkable contribution during the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou

    Guiding Principles

    • iNADO invites the Anti-doping community to sign the Declaration on Guiding Principles

    Monthly Features

    • Goodbye Janka and Ilayda
    • Welcome to the team Alex
    • New CEOs Malta and India
    • Joseph de Pencier Condolences Book

    iNADO Sponsors and Partners

    • Berlinger Special AG celebrates 30 Years of commitment to sports integrity

    iNADO Update #2023-09/10

    6 Oct 2023

    iNADO Update (2023) 9/10 (6 October)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Building a Sportive Community

    • iNADO welcomes a new Member

    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • NADOs and Laboratories working together: Summary of DoCoLab 50th Anniversary Symposium
    • Are Doping Control Procedures adequate for Transgender Athletes?
    • International Anti-Doping Seminar JADA /WADA 2023
    • Overview of International Collaboration Projects among NADOs & RADOs: Who is doing what? What could we do better? : iNADO Webinar Report 

    Speaking up for NADOs and RADOs Globally

    • Participation of Russian Athletes in Major Events

    Monthly Features

    • Lars Mortsiefer appointed as new CEO of NADA Germany
    • New iNADO Communication and Office Manager

    iNADO Sponsors and Partners

    • New at the Anti-Doping Knowledge Center

    iNADO Update #2023-07/08

    27 Jul 2023

    iNADO Update (2023) 7/8 (27 July)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • Register now to DoCoLab Anniversary Symposium
    • Overview of International Collaboration Projects
    • iNADO Webinar: (Clean) Athlete Vulnerability
    • Summary of iNADO Member-only Webinar: Prevention programs for Para athletes: Experiences from SLOADO
    • Anti-Doping Norway's 20th Anniversary Seminar: Strengthening Justice and ADO Governance for the Future of Anti-Doping
    • New Signatories of the Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping
    • Best Practice Examples in the application of the Guiding Principles

    Speaking up for NADOs and RADOs Globally

    • Second RADO Round Table Discussion

    Monthly Features

    • International Seminars by JADA and CHINADA

    iNADO Sponsors and Partners

    • New at the Anti-Doping Knowledge Center

    iNADO Update #2023-06

    5 Jun 2023

    iNADO Update (2023) 6 (5 June)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Building a Supportive Community

    • After four decades in Anti-Doping, Andrea Gotzmann retires

    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • Summary of iNADO Member-only Webinar: Education and mental health support for athletes returning from a sanction: Experiences from USADA
    • iNADO Member-only Webinar: Prevention programs for Para athletes: Experiences from SLOADO
    • iNADO ADAMS Working Group Meeting #3 Report
    • AFLD calls for Research Projects

    Speaking up for NADOs and RADOs Globally

    • Inadvertent Doping - Overview of Literature & Sanctions Insights Reports

    Monthly Features

    • SEARADO to host Education Symposium
    • IPC is looking for an Anti-Doping Manager

    iNADO Sponsors and Partners

    • New at the Anti-Doping Knowledge Center

    iNADO Update #2023-05

    9 May 2023

    iNADO Update (2023) 5 (9 May)
    Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)


    Building a Supportive Community

    • Thank you: Fundraising for NADO Ukraine
    • iNADO 2023 Workshop Summary

    Improving Practice Everywhere

    • iNADO Member-only Webinar: Education and mental health support for athletes returning from a sanction: Experiences from USADA
    • Summary of iNADO Webinar: Inadvertent doping & contamination cases
    • iNADO's Hot-Topics
    • Educational Laboratory Webinars
    • CCES Symposium: Competition Manipulation and Gambling in Sport

    Guiding Principles

    • Anti-Doping Norway's 20-Year Anniversary: Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping

    Monthly Features

    • Measuring the use of PEDs through wastewater analysis
    • WADA TUE Symposium

    iNADO Sponsors and Partners

    • New at the Anti-Doping Knowledge Center
    • Legal Source
    • Education
    • Science
    • Statistics
    • History
    Country & language
    • Country
    • Language
    Other filters
    • ADRV
    • Legal Terms
    • Sport/IFs
    • Other organisations
    • Laboratories
    • Analytical aspects
    • Doping classes
    • Substances
    • Medical terms
    • Various
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    Publication period