How to use this website?
The site has been designed on straightforward lines. It consists mainly of
documents. Typing a term in the search field on the left allows you to search
in all documents. You can limit the number of files found or refine your search
using different filters.
For example, if you are looking for CAS decisions about clenbuterol, type that word in the search space. What appears now are all the files containing the word "clenbuterol", including the scientific literature and doping lists.
By selecting “CAS decisions” under “legal” you select CAS decisions only. Another option is to select “clenbuterol” using the substances filter.
It is also possible to search extensively in the search filter. By using " " you can search for phrases. If you want to search for several words in the same document, you can use AND. So if you want a document that discusses clenbuterol and salbutamol, you can search for clenbuterol AND salbutamol.
Clicking on “show” under the selected document opens the document. “Details” gives you the details of the document, the summary and the keywords.
This website will be continually updated. New documents will be added on a regular basis, as will new features.