iNADO Update (2022) 03 (9 March)
Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)
iNADO Community
- Provisional Suspensions to protect the Integrity of Competitions
- Larry D. Bowers Award for Excellence in Anti-Doping Science
- Goodbye to Solenne Zandronis, Capacity Building Manager at INADO
- Welcome Kaitlyn Schäfer, as the new Program Manager of iNADO
- NADA Germany translates Prevention Videos into Sign Language
- Registrations are open for Play the Game 2022 – is there a cure for sport?
Bulletin Board
- INADO Member-only Webinar: "New Ways of Working for N/RADOs, learning from a pandemic"
- iNADO Live Chat: Nara Kim from KADA
- Call for Event Submissions - iNADO Calendar
Athlete's Voice
- Athlete's Rights - Safeguarding Minors
- Una May, New Chief Executive Officer of Sport Ireland
- Goodbye to Doug MacQuarrie, Chief Operating Officer of CCES
- Low Level Contamination of Pharmaceuticals
Practical Development in Anti-Doping
- iNADO Survey Regarding Users' Experience with ADAMS
Feature of the Month
- True Athlete Challenge
iNADO Partners & Sponsors
- New at the Anti-Doping Knowledge Center