iNADO Update (2021) 04 (1 April)
Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO)
Message from our Chair
- What did we learn in Anti-Doping from COVID-19?
iNADO Community
- NADA Germany publishes Research into the Use of Analgesics in German Football Leagues
- International Paralympic Committee launches Tokyo 2020 Anti-Doping Webpage
- World Rowing Partners with the International Testing Agency
- IADA Secretariat Handover
Bulletin Board
- Enhanced Independence and a stricter Separation of Powers: iNADO´s Suggestions for WADA Governance
- iNADO Annual General Assembly 2021
- Bye Bye Facebook
- Webinar Invitation by UK Anti-Doping
- Governance in anti-doping: How to meet the challenges
- Job Vacancy at AFLD
Athlete's Voice
- "Be a Person first, an Athlete second"
- Farewell to Jonas Hebchen
- Helsinki Laboratory resumes its Anti-Doping Activities following Relocation
Practical Development in Anti-Doping
- The Anti-Doping Knowledge Centre adds a dedicated Category for CAS Anti-Doping Division Awards
Feature of the Month
- Be part of Play True Day 2021
iNADO Partners & Sponsors
- New at the Anti-Doping Knowledge Center