A five day treatment with daily subcutaneous injections of growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 causes response attenuation and does not stimulate insulin-like growth factor-I secretion in healthy young men

A five day treatment with daily subcutaneous injections of growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 causes response attenuation and does not stimulate insulin-like growth factor-I secretion in healthy young men / E.A. Nijland, C.J. Strasburger, C. Popp-Snijders, P.S. van der Wal, E.A. van der Veen

  • European Journal of Endocrinology 139 1998 4 (October), p. 395-401
  • PMID: 9820615
  • DOI: 10.1530/eje.0.1390395


The synthetic hexapeptide growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP)-2 specifically stimulates GH release in man. To determine the effects of prolonged treatment and whether response attenuation occurs in man, we administered to nine healthy subjects a daily s.c. injection of 100 microg GHRP-2 over 5 days. Every day blood samples were taken to determine GH, IGF-I, IGF-binding protein (IGFBP)-3 and osteocalcin levels. On days 1,3 and 5, GH was measured at -20,0,20,40,60,90,120 and 180 min using an immunometric and an immunofunctional assay. Mean-/+S.D). peak GH concentrations were 83+/-31, 59+/-22 and 51+/-13 microg/l on days 1, 3 and 5 respectively. Mean+/-S.D. areas under the curve for days 1, 3 and 5 were 6366+/-2514, 3987 +/- 1418 and 3392+/-1215 mU/l per min. Despite the maintained GH release, analysis of variance revealed that significant response attenuation occurred (P < 0.01). Mean serum IGF-I concentration did not increase after a 5 day treatment with GHRP-2. Mean basal levels were 22, 25,23,25,23,24 nmol/l measured on days 1 to 6. However, osteocalcin, another serum marker of GH activity in tissue, increased significantly from 3.2+/-1.0 to 4.2+/-0.4 microg/l (mean+S.D.) (P< 0.01).

Original document


Research / Study
1 October 1998
Nijland, E.A.
Popp-Snijder, C.
Strasburger, Christian J.
Veen, E.A. van der
Wal, P.S. van der
Other organisations
VU Medisch Centrum (VUmc) - VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Doping classes
S2. Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors
GHRP-2 (pralmorelin)
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Health / performance effects
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Scientific article
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Pdf file
Date generated
8 March 2023
Date of last modification
2 May 2023
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