In January 2019 the Malta Football Association (MFA) has reported and anti-doping rule violation against the football player Danny Kabeya after his sample - collected in December 2018 - tested positive for the prohibited substance Cocaine. After notification a provisional suspension was ordered and the Athlete filed a statement in his defence.
The MFA Control and Disciplinary Board finds that the presence of a prohibited substance has been established in the Athlete's sample and accordingly that he committed an anti-doping rule violation.
The Disciplinary Board establishes that the Athlete had accepted the test result and denied the intentional use of the substance. The Athlete could not explain how and when the substance had entered his system, nor that the use was probably recreational and out-of-competition.
Therefore the MFA Control and Disciplinary Board decides on 24 April 2019 to impose a 4 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete, starting on the date of the provisional suspension, i.e. on 14 January 2019.