In November 2020 the National Anti-Doping Commission (ADC) has reported an anti-doping rule violation against the hockey player Simon Baldacchino Barthet after his sample tested positive for the prohibited substance Cocaine.
After notification a provisional suspension was ordered. The Athlete filed a statement in his defence and he was heard for the National Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel.
The Athlete admitted the violation and denied the intentional use of the substance. He explained that two days before the match he had used recreationally Cocaine, Cannabis and Alcohol, which he mentioned on the Doping Control Form.
The Panel accepts that the use of Cocaine was recreational and that the violation was not intentional. Further the Panel considers that Athlete gave a prompt admission and mentioned his use on the Doping Control Form.
Therefore the Disciplinary Panel decides on 8 March 2021 to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete, starting on the date of the provisional suspension, i.e. on 24 November 2020.