TNDA 2019-13 Discplinary Decision - Rugby

In June 2019 the Argentinian Anti-Doping Commission has reported an anti-doping rule violation against the rugby player after his sample tested positive for the prohibited substance Betametasone. After notification the Athlete filed a statement in his defence and failed to attend the hearing of the National Disciplinary Anti-Doping Tribunal (TNDA). 

The Athlete admitted the violation and denied the intentional use of the substance. He explained with evidence that as treatment for his asthma prescribed medication was used. He argued that he had mentioned his medication on the Doping Control Form whereas his application for a retroactive TUE was denied by the TUE Panel. 

The Tribunal finds that the presence of a prohibited substance has been established in the Athlete’s sample and accordingly without a valid TUE he had committed an anti-doping rule violation. 

The Tribunal accepts that the violation was not intentional and considers the Athlete’s degree of fault and negligence in this case. Further it holds that there were delays in the proceedings attributed to the Athlete. Therefore the TNDA decides on 13 March 2020 to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete.

Original document


Legal Source
National Decisions
13 March 2020
Original Source
Argentinian National Disciplinary Anti-Doping Tribunal (TNDA)
Adverse Analytical Finding / presence
Legal Terms
Case law / jurisprudence
Circumstantial evidence
No intention to enhance performance
Period of ineligibility
Substantial delay / lapsed time limit
Rugby (WR) - World Rugby
Other organisations
Comisión Nacional Antidopaje (CNAD) - Argentinian Anti-Doping Commission
Tribunal Nacional Disciplinario Antidopaje (TNDA) - Argentinian National Disciplinary Anti-Doping Tribunal
Doping classes
S9. Glucocorticosteroids
Medical terms
Legitimate Medical Treatment
Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
11 November 2021
Date of last modification
20 January 2022
  • Legal Source
  • Education
  • Science
  • Statistics
  • History
Country & language
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Other filters
  • ADRV
  • Legal Terms
  • Sport/IFs
  • Other organisations
  • Laboratories
  • Analytical aspects
  • Doping classes
  • Substances
  • Medical terms
  • Various
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