Cholestasis produced by the administration of norethandrolone

Cholestasis produced by the administration of norethandrolone / Fenton Schaffner, Hans Popper, Eugene Chesrow. - (American Journal of Medicine 26 (1959) 2 (1 February); p. 249-254)

  • PMID: 13617282
  • DOI: 10.1016/0002-9343(59)90314-6

Norethandrolone was administered to 27 patients for three to five weeks. Liver biopsies were performed before and after administration of the drug. Histologic evidence of cholestasis was found in four patients. In each of these instances the serum glutamic oxalacetic-transaminase activity increased above 150 units from normal levels. In one patient severe jaundice developed which lasted ten weeks. The remaining patients tolerated the drug well and gained weight. In a control group of 28 patients receiving a tranquilizing drug and similarly studied no instances of cholestasis were found.
Inflammatory reaction in the portal tracts and around proliferated ductules (cholangiolitis) was not associated with the cholestasis although it was present in some patients before and after administration of norethandrolone.

Original document


Research / Study
1 February 1959
Chesrow, Eugene
Popper, Hans
Schafner, Fenton
United States of America
Other organisations
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS)
John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County
Mount Sinai Hospital
Oak Forest Hospital of Cook County
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
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Legitimate Medical Treatment
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Scientific article
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Pdf file
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3 November 2021
Date of last modification
12 November 2021
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