TJD-AD 2021-016 Appeal Decision - Swimming

Related cases:

  • TJD-AD 2021-004 Disciplinary Decision - Swimming
    May 6, 2021
  • TJD-AD 2021-021 Disciplinary Decision - Swimming
    October 1, 2021
  • TJD-AD 2021-029 Appeal Decision - Swimming
    December 16, 2021

In First Instance on 6 May 2021 a warming was imposed by the TJD-AD on the parathlete swimmer after he tested positive for the prohibited substance Ostarine. 

Hereafter the Brazilian Doping Control Authority (ABCD) appealed the TJD-AD decision and requested the TJD-AD Appeal Tribunal to annul the Appealed Decision.

The Rapporteur establishes that in First Instance the TJD-AD Panel was divided about the sanction and that a majority voted for the imposition of a warning whereas faults in the proceedings had created a dubious decision. 

At the hearing in First Instance the Arbitrator as Rapporteur advocated for the acquittal of the Athlete or alternatively for the imposition of a warning. Yet in the Appealed Decision was only mentioned his vote for a warning without remarks about the validity of the complaint and the acquittal or warning of the Athlete. 

Because of the established failures the TJD-AD Appeal Panel concludes that the Appealed Decision is not accomplished in accordance with the stipulations of the Brazilian Anti-Doping Code (CDA). Therefore the TJD-AD Appeal Panel decides on 5 July 2021 to refer the case back to the TJD-AD Disciplinary Panel and to annul the parathlete's provisional suspension.

Original document


Legal Source
National Decisions
5 July 2021
Albuquerque e Souza, João Antonio
Baptista, Marta Wada
Barbosa, Daniel Chieriguini
De Rose, Eduardo Henrique
Miranda, Martinho Neves
Nicolau, Jean Eduardo Batista
Nunes, Tatiana Mesquita
Silva, Guilherme Faria
Original Source
Brazilian Sports Justice Anti-Doping Tribunal (TJD-AD)
Adverse Analytical Finding / presence
Legal Terms
Case referred back
Dissenting opinion
Procedural error
Provisional suspension
Reprimand / warning
Rules & regulations National Sports Organisations & National Anti-Doping Organisations
Swimming (FINA) - World Aquatics
Other organisations
Autoridade Brasileira de Controle de Dopagem (ABCD) - Brazilian Doping Control Authority
Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem (TJD-AD) - Brazilian Sports Justice Anti-Doping Tribunal
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
Enobosarm (ostarine)
Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs)
Parathlete / Parasports
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
12 October 2021
Date of last modification
1 February 2022
  • Legal Source
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  • Other organisations
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  • Analytical aspects
  • Doping classes
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  • Various
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