ADAK 2018 ADAK vs Henry Kiprotich Sang

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In January 2018 the Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) reported an anti-doping rule violation against the Athlete Henry Kiprotich Sang after his A and B samples tested positive for the prohibited substance 19-norandrosterone (Nandrolone).

After notification a provisional suspension was ordered. The Athlete filed a statement in his defence and he was heard for the Judiciary Office of the Kenya Sports Disputes Tribunal.

The Athlete admitted the violation and accepted the test results. He denied the intentional use of the substance and stated that he was tested before without issues.

He explained with medical information that he underwent treatment for his injury and had used medication prescribed by his doctor. He acknowledged that he failed to mention to his doctor that he was an Athlete, nor had he included his medication on the Doping Control Form.

The Panel accepts that the violation was not intentional and finds that the Athlete acted negligently with his medication. Therefore the Judiciary Office of the Kenya Sports Disputes Tribunal decides on 11 October 2018 to impose a 2 year period of ineligibility on the Athlete, starting on the date of the provisional suspension.

Original document


Legal Source
National Decisions
11 October 2018
Kimani, Mary N.
Ohaga, John M.
Onyango, Njeri
Original Source
Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK)
Adverse Analytical Finding / presence
Legal Terms
Case law / jurisprudence
No intention to enhance performance
Period of ineligibility
Athletics (WA) - World Athletics
Other organisations
Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK)
Beijing, China: National Anti-Doping Laboratory China Anti-Doping Agency
Analytical aspects
B sample analysis
Doping classes
S1. Anabolic Agents
Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone)
Medical terms
Legitimate Medical Treatment
Document type
Pdf file
Date generated
27 November 2018
Date of last modification
2 July 2024
  • Legal Source
  • Education
  • Science
  • Statistics
  • History
Country & language
  • Country
  • Language
Other filters
  • ADRV
  • Legal Terms
  • Sport/IFs
  • Other organisations
  • Laboratories
  • Analytical aspects
  • Doping classes
  • Substances
  • Medical terms
  • Various
  • Version
  • Document category
  • Document type
Publication period