Current drug education policies in NCAA institutions: perceptions of head athletic trainers

Current drug education policies in NCAA institutions:  perceptions of head athletic trainers / Aida Shirazi, Raymond Tricker

  • Journal of drug education 35 (2005) 1, p. 29-46
  • PMID: 16270696
  • DOI: 10.2190/90RX-XC7Y-9550-08JQ


This study compared the perceptions of head athletic trainers (HATS) from NCAA member Divisions I, II, and III regarding current athletic department drug education policies in their institutions. A Web-based questionnaire collected responses from 353 HATS. Drug education programs focused more on providing information about the negative consequences of drugs than changing the attitudes and behaviors of students in relation to drug use. More Division I and II schools offered comprehensive ATOD education programs to their athletes compared to Division III schools; however, the majority of these programs were not scheduled on a regular basis. HATS in all divisions reported that the abuse of alcohol and other drugs by student athletes during and after athletic and social events was a significant concern and indicated the importance of scheduling drug education programs closer to such events. Majority of HATS did not view participating in the drug education programs as part of their professional duties; however, they expressed an interest to increase their involvement in these activities.

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Coaches and Support Staff
Research / Study
1 January 2005
Shirazi, Aida
Tricker, R.
United States of America
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