Analytical aspects in doping control: challenges and perspectives

Analytical aspects in doping control: challenges and perspectives / Flavia Badoud, Davy Guillarme, Julien Boccard, Elia Grata, Martial Saugy, Serge Rudaz, Jean-Luc Veuthey

  • Forensic Science International 213 (2011) 1-3 (10 December), p. 49-61
  • PMID: 21824736
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.07.024


Since the first anti-doping tests in the 1960s, the analytical aspects of the testing remain challenging. The evolution of the analytical process in doping control is discussed in this paper with a particular emphasis on separation techniques, such as gas chromatography and liquid chromatography. These approaches are improving in parallel with the requirements of increasing sensitivity and selectivity for detecting prohibited substances in biological samples from athletes. Moreover, fast analyses are mandatory to deal with the growing number of doping control samples and the short response time required during particular sport events. Recent developments in mass spectrometry and the expansion of accurate mass determination has improved anti-doping strategies with the possibility of using elemental composition and isotope patterns for structural identification. These techniques must be able to distinguish equivocally between negative and suspicious samples with no false-negative or false-positive results. Therefore, high degree of reliability must be reached for the identification of major metabolites corresponding to suspected analytes. Along with current trends in pharmaceutical industry the analysis of proteins and peptides remains an important issue in doping control. Sophisticated analytical tools are still mandatory to improve their distinction from endogenous analogs. Finally, indirect approaches will be discussed in the context of anti-doping, in which recent advances are aimed to examine the biological response of a doping agent in a holistic way.

Original document


6 August 2011
Badoud, Flavia
Boccard, Julien
Grata, Elia
Guillarme, Davy
Rudaz, Serge
Saugy, Martial
Veuthey, Jean-Luc
Other organisations
Lausanne Laboratory for doping analysis
Université de Genève - University of Geneva
Université de Lausanne (UNIL) - University of Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland: Laboratoire Suisse d’Analyse du Dopage
Analytical aspects
Testing method development
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21 May 2012
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