Dopingautoriteit jaarverslag 2009 / Dopingautoriteit. - Capelle aan den IJssel, 2010
This is the fourth Annual Report from the Anti-Doping Authority of the Netherlands.
In recent years, our organisation has proven increasingly able to fulfil effectively the responsibilities delegated to us by the government and organised sports. At the same time, it undeniable that this increased efficacy – and our associated reputation and high profile – are powering opposing forces in our society as a whole and in the world of sports in particular.
In 2009, there was a broad – and necessary –public discussion about the anti-doping policy and the way it is implemented. A range of groups in society criticised the global policy and – albeit to a lesser extent – the way in which that policy is implemented in the Netherlands. In a number of complex and high-profile cases, that policy and that implementation have been, and continue tobe, tested.
These developments will all contributeto our ultimate objective: clean, fair sport.
Despite the efforts that went into dealing with doping violations, our organisation continues to focus to an important extent on preventing cases of this kind. Prevention and education continue to be of undiminished importance.
We hope that this annual report will provide you, once again, with a clear picture of the work of our organisation.
The board of management